Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day 10, 9/8/15. Volga-Baltic Waterway, Goritzy & Kuzino

Today is a good deal of scenic cruising. The weather isn't the greatest so it's a good day to attend lectures, drink hot chocolate and of course eat! The lectures on Russian history are very enlightening and open. The lecturers are very proud of the country, its history and achievements. They are also very open about failures of the past. We are reminded that people across the world are very much the same on issues that are important to us such as family, health and access to food, education and shelter. While governments may have different agendas, people's wants, needs and even opinions are greatly the same.
This afternoon we dock in Goritzy and tour the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery that was founded in 1397. It is a large fortified complex of churches filed with beautiful icons $ frescoes. Afterward we visit a local school in Kirillov. We tour the classrooms and meet a teacher and a couple of students who get to practice their English interacting with us. Back to the for dinner and socializing.  Dobroye Utro

1 comment:

  1. What a great trip your having, such beautiful places, churches!
