Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Day 4, 9/2/15

Travel day today. Walked to the train station after breakfast and boarded our Train to St Petersburg. After a briefing from our guide she handed me the ticket vouchers and said now you are in charge. When we crossed into Russia the border control came on board and asked me a few questions about our group trip and then asked about purchases we made and was anyone carrying more than $10,000. I at first said I couldn't answer for everyone but without a trace of a smile he asked me the question again and told me the correct answer was"No"! I obeyed and that was the end of customs for our group.
 In our rom and off to dinner. Had a entertaining orientation. Full day of touring the next 2 days. Hermitage, Catherine's Palace and a city tour along with a ballet tomorrow night. My pocket is loaded with rubles.