Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day 3, Tallinn, Estonia

After breakfast we boarded a bus to the the port and then got on the ferry to Tallinn. The ferry seemed very new and quite clean. It was the size of a small ocean liner. Smooth ride the whole way. Once we disembarked we met our guide, Roman. He was charming although a little intense as he forced himself to stay on script. He did have a nice dry sense of humor. Tallinn is twice as old as Helsinki yet still young compared to most Europen Capitols. It dates to the 16th century and the architecture is very Medevil having been enflunced by the Germans, Swedes and Russians. The "Old Town" is beautifully preserved and you feel the history as you walk the cobblestone streets. Estonia became a independent country in 1917 but then come under the Soviet Union after WWII. They regained their independence again after the collapse of the USSR. The people are charming and very welcoming. We finished our tour in a beautiful plaza that had a lot in common with Siena, Italy. After tea and a cappuccino waiting out a a brief shower we strolled through the remainder of "Old Town" supporting the local economy. Then we headed to the harbor and boarded our ship for the return to Helsinki. We had dinner on board with a lovely couple from Saratoga Springs.
 Tomorrow off to the train to St Petersburg after breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. "It was the size of a small ocean liner." Words never to be uttered by us peasants :) Glad you are enjoying yourselves so far, can't wait for the next update. And its that's cold there?? Safe travels, love you both!
