Thursday, September 10, 2015

Day 11, 9/9/15. Yaroslavl

this morning we continue to cruise the Russian waterways until we dock at Yaroslavl. After breakfast we attend another lecture tha covers Russia from the revolution till 1985, Gorbachev and Perestroika. After lunch we visit Yaroslavl. This is a city of 600,000. It is very picturesque. Legend has it that it was founded in the early 11th century on the very spot where Prince Yaroslavl killed a bear. During our visit we tour the Governor's House and are treated to a concert and dancing were yours truly danced with two of the Governor's daughters. After our tour we spent time strolling the city streets and did a little shopping. We returned to the ship for a lovely dinner, a tour of the kitchen and lively conversation with our table mates, Linda, Doug, Sharon and Dick. Early night as we have an early dockage and tour in the morning.

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