Thursday, September 10, 2015

Day 12, 9/10/15. Uglich

We arrive in Uglich before breakfast and start our tour just after 8am. This is a smaller city of 28k people. Believe it our not our tour includes a church tour. This church is dedicated to St. Dmitry who was the last surviving son of Ivan the Terrible. Dmitry was sent here by his mother to escape house who didn't want Ivan's family reign to continue. Pour Dmirty did not live past 8 years old. There are several versions of his death, one being that he accidently fell on a sword numerous times severing his head. The likely reality is that Boris Gudunov ( yes Bullwinkle) had him executed so that he would maintain power.
 After our tour we visited a Russian family and were treated to a light meal, home made vodka and wonderful hospitality. We got a flyover for the everyday life of our hostess.
 After disembarking we are touring the Volga on our way to Moscow. We're off now

to the Captain's Farewell Recetion and Dinner. 

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