Monday, September 7, 2015

Day 9, 9/7/15. Lake Onega & Kizhi

This morning we had a delay because of fog. Our ship had to hold it's position for a few hours until the fog lifted. After the delay we docked in Kizhi which is a very small village on an island in the fiords of Lake Onega, Europe's second largest lake. Here we visit the Transfiguration Church built completely of wood without a single nail and boasting 22 timbered onion domes. We also visit the separate Winter Church, a home, sauna, garden and a very small chapel which is the oldest church in Russia. The families lived in their homes not only with all family members but for 8 months of the year with all their animals. We saw similar living arrangements in the caves of Matera, Italy. The arrangement of the living quarters are quite ingenious.We watched demonstrations of weaving and cutting of shingles for the church's and houses ( look at the left hand of the carpenter). This is a World Heritage Site with several of the buildings having been brought here as an open air museum.
Cruising tonight through 6 locks. Internet will be lost for awhile. Off to dinner. Da Svivanya

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