Saturday, September 12, 2015

Day 13, 9/11/15

we spent the morning cruising the Volga and the Moscow Canal. Attended another lecture which was actually a Q&A on Russia Today. The 3 Guides who made up the panel were very open. 3 take a ways; the Russian people are very happy with life as it is today and don't want to turn the clock back to any previous era, our press really does a good job of painting a poor picture of our Country, they LOVE Putin!
 After lunch we board our bus to the center of Moscow. We drive to many historic spots and scenic areas. There is so much more to Moscow than Red Square. The city parts that we see are lovely with rows of beautiful architecture. We we take a ride on the fabled subway. The stop we we started at has the longest escalator in Europe. The station unfortunately is one of the most beautiful but every thing is clean and efficient. The subway cars are clean and the ride is comfortable. After our ride we walk the city streets along the Kremlin and Red Square. Red Square is closed for a festively but but we go back and tour it tomorrow. We go into the GUM Department Store which now is comprised off many individual stores. Very high end on the bottom floor, high end on the middle and Shortley end on the upper. It's huge and beautiful. After walking the area more we meet our bus across from the beautiful Bolshoi Ballet.
 After returning to the ship for dinner we head back downtown to attend a Clasical Folk Concert. The music is performed using Clasical Russian instruments such as the Balalaikas. The height of the performance is a classical tambourine performance by none other than Sue Shortley! She brought the house down!!

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