Sunday, September 13, 2015

Day 15, 9/13/15. The Kremlin

Well this is our final full day. After breakfast we head back into the city center and tour The Kremlin. It actually is a walled city within Moscow that has been the seat of government off and on for 6 centuries. It was built as a fort and has been expanded several times and has stood as it is currently since the 17th century. The walls and towers were designed by Italian architects. The interior is full of cathedrals, palaces, museums and the seat of government. The history of the Czars, the Communists and of current day resonate from the buildings. President Putin's office is here as well as the helipad that he uses to come to work. There are beautiful gardens and vistas of the city. It's not at all what I had envisioned of inside the walls of the Kremlin.
This evening we had a farewell dinner with our pals and said our goodbyes to all our fellow travelers who we had the pleasure of sharing this great experience with.
 Experiencing Russia has been a wonderful.The people are delightful everywhere we've been. We are all very much alike. The history is so fascinating, even with all the excess of some of the czars and the way many treated their family members and citizens. The evolution of the government in the past 100 years is quite remarkable and there were many mistakes but today the way of life is quite good. And the beauty of the cities and countryside is just spectacular. I came here not thinking it was all drab concrete and people with sour faces but I

have been totally amazed at how beautiful, cosmopolitan and free this country is. Da Svsdanya!

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